That in early historical times the area of
Auderath was settled, can be testified to the excavations of Roman grave
hills, wall remains and chime broken fragments inside district “Seitert" and „Hinterschlaef“,
which were made in the years 1936-1940.
Auderath itself was founded in the high Middle Ages clearing time. The second word component “-rath” points at on it there (rath
=> Rodung = clearing). The first word
component (“Auder” -> Udo)
should obviously say that a man named Udo began
with the clearing and the estate was named because of him (Udenrait). However, this theory can’t be proved.
By ancient writings and documents you can find
out, that the village name made
changes in the course of time:
1447: “Udenrait”
1508: “Udenroth”
1659: “Uderath”
1715: “Audert”
1777 finally „Auderath“.
The obviously eldest documentary reference of
Auderath is the one from the year 1447. In these document
from the diocese archives of Treves,
the “Trierer Bistumsarchiv”,
is the speech, that the suffragan bishop Gerhardus von Trier, by the
way from 1432 until 1448 in office, visited the chapel of “Udenrait” on the 09. August 1447.
There is a church bell from the year 1481, onto
her you can read: “Maria heischen ich - Claus von Enen gos mich. MCCCCLXXXI“. = “Maria
is my name, Claus von Enen made me. 1481.”
A visit note from 1569 mentions as the patron
saint of the Uderather chapel the holy Sebastian.
1592 the church community is called as branch from
Alflen. 1621 is the holy Lucia as second Patron
provable. To her location treads in 1656 the holy Rochus.
The fact, that the pest-holy Rochus
was second Patron, can be a proof for the fact, that Auderath was visited
by the plague in the 30-year-war. Another
argument for this is the foundation of the pest-cross in 1657. This cross
stands today still on the church forecourt.
In a visit note from 1715 from the Treves diocese archives
stands: "The located in a very calamitous done deplorable
condition". This situation to change they decided in 1734. In this
year the today’s church was built.
A registration from the year 1777 says, that the
chapel of Auderath has changed her patron saints, while the “allerseeligste Jungfrau
Maria” = Mary became first patron and Sebastian, Lucia and Rochus common gave second patron.
1926 they renovate the church carefully,
in 1952 the church was enlarged and got her present wall contours. It
followed a new paint in 1968 with a remake of the church forecourt, again a
thorough redecoration in the end of the 1980ies.
In autumn 2000 the church forecourt was again
reconfigured, next door they built a well.